First new Rapides 8400+ go to Belgium!
The new Schuitemaker Rapide 8400+ is ready for delivery to our dealer Agri Lemahieu in Belgium.
A great and powerful machine to watch.
And this Rapide 8400W+ with lift axle stands on big tyres: Mitas Agriterra O2 – 850/50R30.5
The advantage of the larger tyres and the optional tyre pressure control system (axles are standard prepared for this) is the preservation of the soil structure due to less ground compaction. The reduction of soil pressure is important during the maize and grass harvest as it is often necessary to harvest on wet, barely passable terrain.
The Rapide 8400 Plus comes standard with a 40-ton hydraulically sprung, electric-hydraulically steered BPW tridem. This provides the wagon with an excellent road-holding ability. Ideal for long-distance transport, which is commonplace today. Operating the new, simple touch screen is done from the tractor cabin. In 2016, Schuitemaker introduced this screen for the Rapide 100 and 1000 series. Operating the wagon via ISOBUS is also possible. Furthermore, this wagon is standard fitted with a hydraulic front board (ideal for clearing a maize parcel) and a hydraulic pressure filter. As an optional extra, the wagon can be fitted with an NIR sensor system for real-time dry matter measurements, grass composition and a weighing system.
We wish our Belgium enduser Loonbedrijf Gebroeders Vermote much working pleasure with their two impressive Rapides 8400+.