- 02 februari 2022

“Schuitemaker loader wagons cut better than others, regardless of the conditions” 

This week we Meet the Masters from France; Cressonnière SARL. Special about this dealer, is that their owners used to work as contractors before they decided to become a dealer. In a relatively short period, they have grown into an important player in the French market. Co-owner Romain Houdayer tells us about the course of that process, the development of the French market and the collaboration with Schuitemaker.  

Becoming a dealer 

“The process was quite simple, we worked with Schuitemaker machines and were convinced of their quality. When we had the opportunity to develop their brand in France, it was an easy decision. Because we believed in the machines and we had the credibility to speak about specifications and quality of the work, it was quite simple to convince other farmers and contractors. It was a combination of well-made machines by Schuitemaker, hard work and engagement and then the happy customers did the rest!”. 

Working together 

Schuitemaker and Cressonnière were able to build a strong relationship with lots of confidence and support. “We are always on the move to develop the market, build the premium Schuitemaker image in France and share experiences from the field with the colleagues in the factory to improve the products. In the future, we’re looking forward to do the same with the Veenhuis range.” 

The importance of service  

At Cressonniėre SARL, service is truly important as they  are specialized in Schuitemaker machines. “We know them very well. As our role is to advise customers on which machine to go for, it is important to know the specifics.”  

The French market and Schuitemaker 

“In the French market, the role of the dealer is very important when it comes to choosing a particular machine”, according to Houdayer. He continues: “Choices are made mainly because of the quality of work of the wagons. Schuitemaker loader wagons cut better than others, regardless of the conditions. Furthermore, their dual-functionality, solidity, simplicity and sustainability certainly play a role!”  

Would you like to know more about Cressonnière’s experiences or are you curious about the possibilities of our machines? Please contact Cressonnière, your nearest dealer or our area sales manager.  



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