Merger of operating companies Schuitemaker Machines B.V. and Veenhuis Machines B.V.
From 1 July 2019, Schuitemaker and Veenhuis have merged and these companies have continued as the Schuitemaker Veenhuis Group (SVgroup). With these two strong brands, agricultural solutions are offered internationally in the segments of feeding, forage harvesting and manure application. SVgroup also owns Jan Veenhuis Machinefabriek B.V. from 1 January 2023.
To realise further integration of our processes and systems, it has been decided to merge a number of operating companies into one joint operating company from which our activities are carried out. From 1 May 2023, Schuitemaker Machines B.V. and Veenhuis Machines B.V. will merge into the new operating company SVgroup B.V. This change concerns only a name change and the current (sales) conditions for both Schuitemaker and Veenhuis machines remain unchanged at this time.
From 1 May 2023, the data will be as follows:
SVgroup B.V.
PO Box 219, 7460 AE Rijssen | Morsweg 18, 7461 AG Rijssen
CCI 06030839
BTW NL001581624B01
IBAN NL42ABNA0594039541
Jan Veenhuis Machines B.V. will continue to operate as a separate entity.
For questions regarding the foregoing, please contact:
Henri Cornelese, Finance & Control.
T +31 (0)548 - 85 49 85 | E