
For mor than 100 years, Schuitemaker has been manufacturing and selling professional equipment for agricultural use, such as forage harvesting, feeding and manure and slurry injection. In addition, Schuitemaker offers a total package of winter service solutions; from salt spreaders to snowploughs and from storage sheds to salt spreading management systems. Many years of experience in combination with a very strong image have given Schuitemaker a leading role in the agricultural as well as in the public sector. In both sectors, Schuitemaker has managed to retain and expand their position through listening to the needs of customers, early observation of future needs, and keeping up with technological developments. Schuitemaker Machines merged with Veenhuis Machines in 2019, from which the SVgroup was established. Veenhuis is our brand for agricultural machinery in solutions in organic manure and slurry. 

The strength of all the Schuitemaker products is simplicity and the user-friendliness in particular. Service, safety and durability are the key principles in that respect. Schuitemaker machines are being sold all over the world. Schuitemaker Industrial is focused on winter service solutions for the Dutch market in particular. What’s more, both companies can always count on the support of an experienced and professional after-sales team.

  • Forage harvesting

    With more than 30 years of experience in forage harvesting, Schuitemaker offers the optimum solutions for contactors and livestock farmers.

  • Feeding

    Here you will find more information about Schuitemaker's feed dosing wagons and silage block dosing wagons.

  • Manure

    We offer various solutions under the Veenhuis brand for the use of organic manure. Click here for the website.